节能空压机 ETC无油转换器 罗德康普EVO/EVO-NK系列主机 罗德康普NK/B系列主机 后处理及空压机耗材 免费技术指导选型
1. 制冷配件:本机制冷控制系统元器件全部为进口件,可以可靠地保证整机的正常运行和达到最佳的能效比。
The refrigeration accessories: the control system components ofrefrigeration system are all imported .It can ensure the reliability of the normal operation and achieve the best effect.
Refrigeration compressor using DANFOSS Maneurop /Taiwan HANBELL refrigeration
compressor. Refrigeration control system is from the world's top brand Denmark danfoss products
2. 制冷系统稳定高效:本公司所用的丹佛斯高低压控制器的高压级能感受冷媒冷凝压力,一旦超负荷引起冷媒冷凝压力过高,便能自动脱跳,从而保护压缩机。
The refrigeration system is stable and efficient: holysun use DANFOSS high pressure level of high and low voltage controller , it can sense REF. operating pressure, once the overload cause condensation REF. pressure is too high, can automatically jump off to protect the compressor
3. 换热高效:本公司采用板翅式换热器,具有以下特点: The heat transfer efficiency :holysun adopts fin heat exchanger with the following features:
传热效率高,温度控制性好Heat transfer efficiency is high, the temperature controlling is good
翅片的特殊结构,使流体形成强烈湍流,从而有效降低热阻,提高传热效率。其传热系数也比列管式换热器高5-10倍。The special Fin structure makes fluid form strong turbulence, thus effectively lower the heat resistance and improve the heat transfer efficiency. The heat transfer coefficient is 5-10 times higher than tube heat exchanger
传热效率与功耗比低,可精确控制介质温度。Heat transfer efficiency and power consumption is low, can precisely control the temperature of the medium.
结构紧凑Compact structure
传热面积密度可高达17300 m2/m3,一般为管壳式换热器的6-10倍,最大可达几十倍。
Density of heat transfer area can be as high as 17300 m2 / m3, it is generally 6-10 times for tubular heat exchanger,(even dozens of times if required )
轻巧,经济性好Lighter and economical
Fin is very thin, and the structure is compact with small volume, and can be produced by aluminum alloy which are very light and convenient for transportation.
可靠性高High reliability
full soldering welding structure to eliminate possibility of the leakage. At the same time, the fin maintain the fucnction of heat transfer surface and supporting funct, thus the strength is high
防腐防锈The anticorrosion
Main material is aluminium magnesium alloy, which eliminate corrosion of the common carbon steel tubular heat exchanger , avoid the phenomenon of rust slag blocking for automatic drainer and filter.
4. 防腐处理:本公司提供压力容器制造合格证,在容器内外表面作防腐处理,可有效地防止管壁生锈及结垢,得到更优的气源品质,避免经常清洗自动排水器,从而影响到冷干机排水。 The embalming process: holysun provides pressure vessel manufacture quality certificate, also anticorrosive processing in both internal and external surface of containers , which can effectively prevent wall rust and scaling, get better air quality, and avoid frequenently cleaning the automatic drainer .
5. 除水彻底:在蒸发器末端,除装有常规的挡板外,另外装有旋风式气水分离器,可将在蒸发器中未除尽的细小水珠进一步去除,防止水滴进入预冷器二次蒸发,使水混入输气管,避免了气中带水的现象发生。totally removing water : in the bottom of evaporator, besides of regular baffle outside, holysun equipped with new gas liquid separator, which can further removes tiny drops in the evaporator, prevent water droplets the second evaporation tanks after entering into evaporator , and mix water into pipelines, Thus to avoid the phenomenon of the liquid water in compressed air.
6. 防堵设计:本公司在排水器之前设置了独特的防堵过滤装置(参见下图),将管道中的锈渣和固体杂质从冷凝液中分离出来,并将其沉积在底部,用户可以定期手动排放。经分离后的冷凝液由排水器自动排出机外。这样可以明显提高自动排水器的工作效率,延长了排水器的使用寿命。 Blocking proof design: HOLYSUN is set the unique blocking proof in the drainage before filter (see chart below), separate the rust slag and solid impurities of pipeline from the condensed liquid, and deposit at the bottom, the user can regularly manually remove them. After the separation of the drainage device will be automatically condensated from cake layer. This can obviously increase the automatic drainer efficiency and prolong the service life
of the draine
① 控制——采用仪表型控制系统,运行可靠、操作方便。 control---use the instrument type control system, reliable operation, easy to operate.
② 远程控制功能——控制系统预留联锁控制接口及远程控制接口,并实时反馈状态信号。 the remote control function---control system reserves interlocks control interface and remote control interface, and in time feedback state signals.
③ 电气元件——选用施耐德/正泰公司(SCHNEIDER)的产品. electrical components---choose SCHNEIDER products.
禾必斯特压缩机(上海)有限公司 地址:上海市金山区 咨询电话:021-64130070 13916285293 13918092362 邮箱:sales@rotorcomp.cn.com
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